Tailored Trust Solutions for Generational Wealth

The most important aspect of trust work is to ensure that clients’ objectives are fully understood at the outset. TrustQore works with clients and their advisers throughout the life of a trust structure – often spanning generations – to ensure planning is robust from the outset, and that it remains up to date at all times.
Planning will necessarily include a detailed analysis of how best to protect, preserve and grow client wealth. This requires consideration of the client’s objectives, whether they be personal, financial, succession or tax-based, or maybe a combination of these. We work with clients to establish their objectives including specific requirements relating to trust beneficiaries. Thereafter TrustQore will tailor a solution taking account of all aspects of these individual circumstances.
This work can be undertaken in conjunction with professional advisers and our wealth structuring experts. It will be ongoing once the trust structure has been established to ensure it remains effective and that its provisions adequately meet present and future requirements.
TrustQore provides a full range of trust structures across its jurisdictions. The choice of which type of trust to use will depend on circumstances, client requirements and the needs of likely beneficiaries perhaps including future generations.
Trusts types include discretionary, fixed, revocable or purpose entities. Trusts that include reserved powers or that are sharia-compliant may also be considered. Moreover, private trust companies may be established where a certain level of client control is required. Where a protector is needed, TrustQore can provide such services.
Other structures provided by TrustQore include foundations as an alternative to a trust structure. Again, these may take several forms including for a specific purpose or perhaps for charitable ends. TrustQore may provide council members for Foundations where required.