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A Plan for Digital Assets Upon Death

In general, we plan for our loved ones or charities close to our hearts to eventually inherit our houses or apartments, jewellery, or other family heirlooms. However, with life increasingly being lived online, we may be overlooking an increasingly important kind of property: digital assets. There are multiple definitions of what the term “digital asset”…

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Mauritius 2022/2023 Budget Highlights

We wish to highlight a few important points from the much-anticipated Mauritius 2022/2023 Budget delivered by the Hon. Minster of Finance, Economic Planning and Development on 7 June 2022. Individuals. One or more non-citizen individuals will be allowed to invest in and own a fraction of a Mauritian property, entitling the investor to apply for…

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The importance of Guanxi

The importance of Guanxi 关系, cultural appreciation and history  –  International wealth planning for Chinese nationals “Cultural difference involves the integrated and maintained system of socially acquired values, beliefs, and rules of conduct which impact the range of accepted behaviours distinguishable from one societal group to another” (N.J Adler, 1997). Establishing relationships with Chinese resident clients is, in…

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Transfer Pricing. Africa / Mauritius

What is Transfer Pricing? Transfer pricing, also known as transfer cost, is the price at which related parties transact with each other, such as during the trade of supplies or labour between departments. In other words, transfer pricing is the price that is paid for goods or services transferred from one unit of an organization…

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Swiss Trusts: A New Dawn

Swiss Trusts: A New Dawn (along with a timely reminder about licensing) It is perhaps odd to start an article about Swiss trusts noting that, as things currently stand, there is no formal Swiss trust Law in Switzerland. Stranger still to note that a significant amount of trust administration is undertaken here. There is a…

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